Éric LeBlanc
Communications Manager
Éric is an author, multidisciplinary artist and cultural. His work mainly focuses on the links between polyamory and pop culture. He’s been published in Nouveau Projet, Zinc and many collective books (Le besoin fou de l’autre, Self-Care, 11 essais queer). As a cultural worker, he worked with many literary organizations (Maison de la littérature, Bureau des affaires poétiques) before lending his writing skills to the dance world (Agence Mickaël Spinnhirny). If it can be written, he will write it: poetry, essay, short story, theater, grant application, social media post, press release, note on your lunchbox, you name it.
He believes that words are only one of the many powerful tools humans have to communicate their experience of the world. At Terrarium, we are pleased to have his words to help our images, our music and our movement reach everyone.